Words can change the world.
Digital Boundaries
Tech offers many wonderful options through the web, smartphones, tablets, and so forth. That being said, it can be very easy to “sucked in” to the digital world and lose sight of priorities in the real world. It can also make it hard to set aside time to take care of...
Leading a Family
What does it mean to serve as the head of a family? A family is really an oven, growing people to be the best they can be, to learn their talents, to feel loved, to feel like they have choices, etc. To lead a family unit is to influence your kin to be the best oven of...
Leading a Team
The basic idea of leading a team is to influence a small group of individuals to perform at levels that they could not without you. In other words, they can do something without you, but your influence and guidance has them perform at a higher and better level. If...
Difficult Conversations
Great conversations can lead to equally great personal development. But, as we know in life, we sometimes have to contend with those not-so-great conversations. You will, more often than not, find yourself facing a difficult conversation or confrontation. A successful...
Great Conversations
Great conversations can be a really important part of your life. What is a good conversation? It's a dialogue between two people. It's not a monologue. Secondly, and one of the outcomes, is information. Thirdly, the potential for self-improvement. There are a lot of...
Challenging Self-Judgment
Self-judgment is an attack on the self by the self. Or, rather, it's an attack on you by you. I know I'm sounding kind of weird or clinical here, but that's the definition. We all have a judge inside and he or she is not necessarily a bad person. That judge is able to...
Who Are “Safe People?”
Simply put, a safe person is someone who influences you to be the person you were designed to be. It's just that simple. It's a person in your life who influences you. They encourage you. Safe people are the engine that helps influence and structure the person you...
Grace and Truth
Grace and truth are vital parts of your spiritual and personal growth. First, let's talk about grace. Grace is that the other person is for us. They're on our side. That "for” could be a lot of things. It can be acceptance, support, good listening, or it could be...