Words can change the world.
How to Overcome Rejection
Rejection. The word itself can make us wince. It brings up marriage and dating failures, job problems, and friendship and family snafus. Simply defined as “dismissing”, rejection is the act of turning away from someone or something. Actually, rejection is not a...
Motivating Yourself to Start Doing “Whatever”
We all have some “whatever” that we just can’t motivate ourselves to start taking steps towards weight loss, job changes, marriage improvement, self-image growth, budgeting, health, and dating, for example. And there is a big gap between wanting a change, and...
Peace of Mind
Peace of mind is one of the most important experiences we can have. It’s what I call a state of internal harmony. That is, no matter how stressful your circumstances, your mind is able to feel harmony, or in sync with its different aspects. It’s like the...
Career World from Job World: Following Your Passion
Work is a major section of your life, taking up 40-60 hours a week, and for decades. It’s important, and you need to think through it objectively and make those decades produce something meaningful for you. But it’s sometimes difficult to know when it’s time to pull...
How to Become More Self-Aware
Have you ever made a mistake in relationships or at work, and then said to yourself, “I was clueless!” We all do, and it’s all tied up in having problems in being self-aware (of which cluelessness is a part). People who have healthy self-awareness tend to have...
Asking For Help
Think about the last time you needed help in some situation, say something as simple as your smartphone battery dying and needing to borrow someone’s charger. Maybe it was easy to ask a friend for the charger. Or maybe you felt a bit uncomfortable in asking....
Succeeding At Your New Job (Or Any Job)
So you’re gainfully employed! Congratulations on being part of the working world, and helping your product or service make the world a better place to live, for a reasonable return! For many, however, the honeymoon is over. They feel they have an achievement...
Making Self Care a Priority
We all know that working out, eating right and getting enough sleep are good and important things. The research and so many magazine articles tell us this, in so many ways. But almost all of us struggle with getting this done on a consistent, long-term basis. It...