Dealing with Failure

Dealing with Failure

Let’s take a moment and admit something important: everyone experiences failure from time to time! You fail, I fail. The only people who claim they don’t fail are crazy. Everyone fails. It’s part of growth! First thing is first, what is failure? At first glance,...
Who Are “Safe People?”

Who Are “Safe People?”

Simply put, a safe person is someone who influences you to be the person you were designed to be. It’s just that simple. It’s a person in your life who influences you. They encourage you. Safe people are the engine that helps influence and structure the...
Grace and Truth

Grace and Truth

Grace and truth are vital parts of your spiritual and personal growth. First, let’s talk about grace. Grace is that the other person is for us. They’re on our side. That “for” could be a lot of things. It can be acceptance, support, good listening,...
The Two Types of Growth

The Two Types of Growth

Life is all about self-improvement and growth. The happiest and most successful people have some structured commitment to a growth process. It’s critical for you to understand these two types of growth in your own journey. Optimizing Growth. I am referring here to the...
Listening Well

Listening Well

Successful people generally share several key traits. One of those is being a good listener. But, how do you become a good listener? It doesn’t happen overnight and there’s no magic switch. Start by taking the initiative to enter the point of view of those around you....