Our human bodies need physical nutrients to stay healthy. Too little of these nutrients and our bodies can become susceptible to disease and sickness. Dr. John Townsend says the same thing holds true with relationships. If we don’t get the right nutrients from...
We all need more energy to stay focused…. and not just healthy food and exercise for our bodies. To remain positive and productive, we also need emotional energy. Ed Stetzer talks with Dr. John on how to surround yourself with the right kinds of relationships...
According to Dr. John Townsend, the key to growth, whether it be for large companies or for a single individual, is the need to need. What this means is that we need to have others that we rely upon, that we need in order to achieve success. In this episode, he shares...
Setbacks are a normal part of life. No one goes through life without having some setbacks to respond to from time to time. But it’s how we respond to these moments that make us who we are. Dr John Townsend discusses with Dr Daniel and Tana Amen on how you can utilize...
Studies have shown that people who lack good friends and mentors in their life tend to struggle more both emotionally and physically. But if you don’t have anyone on your side, how can you bring people in? Dr. John Townsend shares with Dr Daniel and Tana Amen a...
In some ways, people are like the foods you eat. Some of them are rich in nutrients, while others simply drain you of your health. In this episode author, Dr. John Townsend and the Amens discuss how the people around you affect your life, and how you can use Dr....