Dealing with Failure

Dealing with Failure

Let’s take a moment and admit something important: everyone experiences failure from time to time! You fail, I fail. The only people who claim they don’t fail are crazy. Everyone fails. It’s part of growth! First thing is first, what is failure? At first glance,...
Digital Boundaries

Digital Boundaries

Tech offers many wonderful options through the web, smartphones, tablets, and so forth. That being said, it can be very easy to “sucked in” to the digital world and lose sight of priorities in the real world. It can also make it hard to set aside time to take care of...
Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations

Great conversations can lead to equally great personal development. But, as we know in life, we sometimes have to contend with those not-so-great conversations. You will, more often than not, find yourself facing a difficult conversation or confrontation. A successful...