Succeeding At Your New Job (Or Any Job)

Dr. John Townsend

February 1, 2019

So you’re gainfully employed!  Congratulations on being part of the working world, and helping your product or service make the world a better place to live, for a reasonable return!   

For many, however, the honeymoon is over.  They feel they have an achievement ceiling over their heads, not enough resources, an unhealthy culture and an organization that is pointed the wrong way.  This can be very unnerving and discouraging for someone who wants to perform in the greatest environment possible. Here are some tips to help:

Study and train in your area.  Be the best you can be in your area.  Read blogs and go to conferences.  Ask people in your department to have coffee and ask them questions you need help in. You will not only make yourself more productive, but the message will get out to the culture that you are a go-getter who is giving a lot to the organization.

Connect with the team.  Nothing helps you succeed better than having positive and trusting relationships with the team.  They will help you achieve your goals and beyond. Don’t get stuck at your desk. Reach out to them, help them, have social time with them.  No divas or isolates here!

Ask for things to do.  Supervisors are always  blown away by the questions “What else can I do?”  They are always overwhelmed with projects and are surprised that you would actually come to ask them if you can help them.  If you have the bandwidth do it every few weeks. I promise you will be noticed in a good way.

Ask for opportunities to grow and develop.  Pick a conference and ask if they will pay for it.  Let them know you want to grow to the next level of achievement.  

Volunteer to help with the problems.  See my second paragraph. Just pick one, and ask if you can get engaged to improve matters.  

Success in a company, even a very flawed one, is a mixture of several interventions.  Be there, work hard, ask to do more, and seek ways to improve. It will get noticed and rewarded.



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