by Dr. John Townsend | Feb 8, 2020 | Boundaries, Communicating, Emotions, Growth, Leadership, Planning
It is just hard, hard, hard to be patient. It’s so easy to be frustrated and even jump the gun on situations that involve time, and ending up making poor decisions. But learning to be competent in the skill of patience is a secret that people who accomplish great...
by Dr. John Townsend | Dec 5, 2019 | Boundaries, Education, Growth
When is the last time you noticed another person’s situation, and found yourself comparing yours to theirs? It could be about their good fortune, like buying a new home or their kids getting into their chosen college. Then your thoughts can turn to how you’re a bit...
by Dr. John Townsend | Aug 17, 2018 | Communicating, Growth
One of the most important aspects of our lives is the need for connection and great relationships. When we don’t have that connection, we can find ourselves in isolation. While it can be healthy in limited doses, isolation can be harmful to your wellbeing when it...