by TownsendAdmin | Nov 23, 2018 | Growth, Leadership
If you lead at work, in the home, or both, you have to make decisions. Leaders who don’t make decisions don’t stay leaders very long. However, decisions, by definition, involve risk. It might be a risk of losing financial resources, time, energy, opportunity or key...
by Dr. John Townsend | Jul 23, 2018 | Family, Growth
“It builds character.” You’ve surely heard the phrase at least once in your life. Generally, that statement is said to a person after something negative has happened in their lives that they must now overcome. So, by now, you’ve probably heard it at least once. Look,...
by Dr. John Townsend | Apr 30, 2018 | Family, Leadership
What does it mean to serve as the head of a family? A family is really an oven, growing people to be the best they can be, to learn their talents, to feel loved, to feel like they have choices, etc. To lead a family unit is to influence your kin to be the best oven of...
by Dr. John Townsend | Apr 23, 2018 | Leadership
The basic idea of leading a team is to influence a small group of individuals to perform at levels that they could not without you. In other words, they can do something without you, but your influence and guidance has them perform at a higher and better level. If...
by Dr. John Townsend | Dec 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
During year’s end, and often in the early parts of the new year, most leaders do some sort of long-range planning so that things will be more productive, fruitful or profitable over time. This is where strategies and new approaches can really pay off for both the...